Griddle Vs Grill. What is the Difference?

griddle vs grill

We all know what a grill is and how delicious grilled food can be. But do you know what a griddle is?

This is something that not many people know about, or you might know what this is, but you don’t know what it is called griddle.

Yes, you might make your breakfast on a griddle on a Saturday morning, and make your dinner on your grill.

With this guide, you will get to understand everything there is to know about the difference between a griddle and a grill. And when to use a griddle and when you should use your grill.

What is Griddle?

griddle vs grill burger

This might come as a surprise to you. A griddle is similar to a grill. The difference is that it has a smooth surface where you are cooking your meal. The heat comes from underneath the griddle, similar to a grill. It is normally used for cooking meals like bacon and eggs in the morning. However, it can also be used for cooking meat.

The truth is that the griddle can be used for cooking any type of meal. You can get a griddle in electric, gas or charcoal form. It can be used in households and in restaurants.

What is a Grill?

griddle vs grill cooking

Not really a need to explain what a grill is. A grill is a BBQ grill where you can grill meat on. It isn’t a solid plate where you can put the meat on. Meaning that small food can fall through the grill and into the heat source.

It is limited in what you can cook on a grill. Most people are using it to make hot dogs and hamburgers and to grill meat and chicken. Most households have some sort of grill. It can be a portable grill in the kitchen or it can be a charcoal or gas grill outside on that patio.

The Main Difference Between a Griddle and a Grill

If you think carefully, you will see that there is basically just one difference between the griddle and a grill. This is the plate or the surface that the food is prepared on. The griddle is a solid surface, where nothing can fall into the heat. Where you can basically prepare anything on it.

The grill isn’t solid and you are limited to what you can grill. Mostly food that is solid and that can’t fall through the grill onto the heat source.

Which One is Best to Use?

griddle or grill for burgers

Before you can understand which one, is best to use, you should consider a couple of things. The griddle and grill have different uses, so you should consider everything before you can say which one you should purchase.

The griddle is best to use if you are looking for something that is versatile. Something that you can use to cook a large variety of food on. The grill might not be versatile, but this is healthier to use. The fat of the meat is falling through the grill, and you will not consume it when you are eating the food. With the griddle, there is no escape for the fat. We can’t really say that the griddle is best to use or the grill is best to use. It depends on personal preferences. What might be best for you, might not be best for someone else?

Cleaning the Griddle and the Grill

If you are looking for something that is easy to clean, then the griddle is recommended. Because of the solid surface, it is a lot easier to clean. The grill can be hard to clean, to make sure that you are cleaning between all the caps and nooks.

This is one of the reasons why so many are considering the griddle over the grill. Because it is cleaning a lot easier.

Conclusion. Griddle Versus Grill

The griddle has a solid surface, while the grill doesn’t have a solid surface and it has caps where the meat can fall through. However, the grill is a lot healthier than the griddle.

But what happens when you want to have both, the griddle and the grill? Then, we have good news for you. There are many grills out there that you can purchase that have a griddle and a grill. This is a two in one grill, where you can make breakfast in the morning and hamburgers for dinner. Now, you don’t need to choose which one is better.

cooking on a griddle vs grill

We all know what a grill is, but do you know what a griddle is? Yes, now you know. It is similar to a grill, but with a solid surface. For making cooking a variety of food so much better.

It is important to make sure that you know exactly which one you want before you just go out and purchase the first and the best one you find. The good news is that there are not two in one griller that has a griddle as well. To make it easier to decide if you want to cook on the grill or griddle.

Types of Beef Ribs

Types of Beef Ribs

We all love a good rib for dinner. Especially when this is beef ribs that are prepared the right way.

But, then you need to know the different types of beef ribs so that you purchase the right ones and that you are able to cook them correctly as well.

This is the problem that most people have. They don’t know the different types of beef ribs and they don’t know the correct cooking method for these ribs.

With this guide, you will know everything there is to know about beef ribs, including the different types of ribs and the different ways to prepare them.

The Importance of Knowing the Different Types of Beef Ribs

types of beef ribs cuts

Beef ribs are beef ribs and can be cooked the same way, right? No, this is where so many people are making the mistake. There are many different types of beef ribs, that are cut from different parts from a cow.  Why is it important to know the different types of beef ribs?

Some of the beef ribs are really hard to cook. Especially, if you are looking for moist and tender ribs. When you cook your ribs incorrectly, you are going to end up with ribs that are hard to eat, and really not as great as what you hoped it would be.

Some ribs are better cooked, while others are perfect for grilling and smoking. These ribs can be on the expensive side, and this is why you should make sure that you are getting value for money. And, the only way to get value for money is to purchase the right ribs for the right type of meal.

The Different Types of Beef Ribs

types of beef short ribs

There are three main types of beef ribs that you can purchase. And, if you understand the three basic ribs, you will be able to understand which ones to use for which meal best. These are some of the information you need to know about the different types of beef ribs.

  • The beef back rib. This is the rib that is cut from the outside of prime rib. It normally consists out of 6 or 7 bones. Most of the time these ribs are cut individually and also sold individually. The meat is between the ribs because the butcher is making sure that he cuts enough meat off the rib for the roast. This is also one of the reasons why not many people don’t like these ribs. You are basically paying for more bone than meat.
  • Plate short rib. If you want to have a rib that is full of meat, then you should purchase the plate short rib. This is normally just a three-rib piece of meat that they are selling. However, this is meaty enough to feed a family. The plate short rib is cut from the plate primal behind the forequarters and near the belly of the steer. This is one of the most popular ribs and they are tender and juicy. This is also the most expensive beef rib that you can purchase.
  • Chuck short rib. This is a similar cut to the plate short rib. Also, with lots of meat on, but with a smaller bone. This rib is cut from the ribs 1 through 5 under the neck of the cow. This is why the bones are so much smaller. These ribs are usually just three to four inches long.

What is the Best Cooking Method for Each of These Different Beef Ribs?

types of boneless beef ribs

Now you know the different types of beef ribs that you can purchase and cook. But, what cooking method is best for each type of beef rib? With this guide, you will not prepare the wrong rib for the wrong meal again.

  • The beef back rib. This is the ribs that you would want to cook on the grill or even smoke. They do cook well on a grill. These ribs will taste really great when you are grilling it in a BBQ marinade or a sparerib marinade. It might come as a surprise, but this is the rib that is cooked the fastest.
  • The plate short rib. Slow and steady. This is the key to have the best-tasting ribs. These ribs don’t need to be marinated. A simple salt and pepper rub are all that it needs. If you have a smoker, this is the perfect rib for the smoker.
  • The Chuck short rib. Because of all the meat on this rib, it can be cooked with a marinade on a grill, or in a smoker. These ribs are versatile when it comes to cooking it. You can basically cook it, with using any method and it can be juicy and tender.

Now you know the different types of beef ribs. And, you know how to cook them correctly. There are way too many people that are purchasing beef ribs and not knowing which type of rib they are actually purchasing. Or, they don’t know how to prepare it correctly. Now, you won’t have that problem anymore.